Lu Anne Tyson
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Yee Haw, get your Denim and Diamonds and join the fun when Texas Star Dinner Theater’s hilarious murder mystery comes to Southlake for a special performance.  OILS WELL THAT ENDS WELL is scheduled for Thursday, January 26 at The Marq, located at 285 Shady Oaks, in Southlake. 

The City of Southlake, APEX, and Texas Star Dinner Theater are joining forces to sponsor an evening of sidesplitting entertainment benefiting the STARS Theater Company Capital Campaign.  STARS is an educational theater for young people and after 22 years in northeast Tarrant County they are in need of a permanent home.

Join us for an evening of laughter and goodwill benefiting these local children.  The audience will enjoy a delicious meal by Trio New American, then on to the mystery.   Who killed oil tycoon, Derrick Von Spindletop?  Could his wife, Francine, have cashed in early on his life insurance?   Or it may have been Seth Poole, who has plodded here all the way from the piney woods of East Texas.  And then there’s the two new Wildcatters in town.  Did Wally sink Spindletop’s ship into the depths of Davy Jones’ locker?  Or did one of Helga’s manic mechanisms bring Derrick to his demise.   The wealthiest man in town has been struck down in his hunt for black gold, and the mystery can only be solved with help from the audience. 

Don’t miss this hysterical evening featuring Texas Star Dinner Theater’s Murder Mystery, OILS WELL THAT ENDS WELL.  STARS Theater Company’s, Denim and Diamond’s Fundraising Gala is scheduled for January 26, 2017 at The Marq in Southlake.  Doors open at 6:00pm and dinner will be served at 7:00pm.  Tickets are $100.  Seating is limited and reservations are required by January 19.  For more information call 817-925-1430.  Tickets are available online at

STARS Theater Company is a non-profit educational theater for young people located in Northeast Tarrant County. STARS provides professional guidance, education, and training in theater arts to young people. Our professional staff includes a voice instructor, choreographer, and director. - Contact Lu Anne at  
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