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HEB ISD Council of PTAs presents - "Hey Dude, Nice Shoes!" - a Pro-kindness, Anti-bullying *Parent Night - Jan 14
70.6% of young people say they have seen bullying in their schools 
When bystanders intervene, bullying stops within 10 seconds 57% of the time

Bullying is quickly becoming the buzz-word of an entire generation creeping into headlines and news stories every single day. It has changed and we need to change how we react to it.
Join HEB ISD Parents for an inspiring presentation of "Hey Dude, Nice Shoes" that empowers students to change the community around them for the better by choosing kindness every day. This presentation is for all parents and caregivers but *Teens welcomed at parent's discretion.

Hey Dude, Nice Shoes
Pro-kindness, Anti-bullying *Parent Night
Speaker: Carolyn Brown
Pat May Center, 1849 Central Dr in Bedford
Tuesday, January 14th 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Carolyn Brown reached over 20,000 students in Texas just in 2018 with her Anti-Bullying and Pro-Kindness workshop Hey Dude Nice Shoes. Carolyn is an expert on how the word “bullying” has changed over the past several decades and what we can do about it. Please come for a FREE night of education and an eye-opening presentation. 
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