Jan 1


6:00pm to 9:00pm Recurring Event

“10 Years of Fine Art” & New Artists Celebration

“10 Years of Fine Art” Celebration & New Artists Introduction Sept 30 & Oct 1, 2022 Come join us as we celebrate the Giddens Gallery of Fine Art's 10-year...
Jan 11


5:30pm to 9:00pm

Celebrity Chefs is Returning for it's 18th Year!

Celebrity Chefs 2025 is returning with a Red-Carpet Event at the Hurst Conference Center. Mid-Cities Supporters of SafeHaven presents this event. It...
Jan 20


6:30pm to 7:30pm Recurring Event

Tarrant Area Guild of Storytelling Public Event

You are invited to the Tarrant Area Guild of Storytellers monthly meeting at the Barnes and Nobles Northeast Mall in Hurst Texas 76053 Mall in Hurst Texas....

7:00pm to 8:00pm Recurring Event

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. American Hero

The Tarrant Area Guild of Storytellers will meet for their regular monthly meeting January 16th at the Barnes and Nobles at the Northeast Mall. Storyteller...
Feb 22


6:00pm to 9:00pm

Junior Achievement of Dallas’ 2025 Dallas Business

Junior Achievement of Dallas (JA Dallas) will honor three distinguished leaders at the annual Dallas Business Hall of Fame , to be held February 22, 2025, at...

6:00pm to 9:00pm

Junior Achievement of Dallas’ 2025 Dallas Business

Junior Achievement of Dallas (JA Dallas) will honor three distinguished leaders at the annual Dallas Business Hall of Fame , to be held February 22, 2025, at...

6:00pm to 9:00pm

Junior Achievement of Dallas’ 2025 Dallas Business

Junior Achievement of Dallas (JA Dallas) will honor three distinguished leaders at the annual Dallas Business Hall of Fame , to be held February 22, 2025, at...

6:00pm to 9:00pm

Junior Achievement of Dallas’ 2025 Dallas Business

Junior Achievement of Dallas (JA Dallas) will honor three distinguished leaders at the annual Dallas Business Hall of Fame , to be held February 22, 2025, at...
Timezone: CST