Bedford BubbleLife -
2023 L. D. Blue Raider Volleyball Winter Clinic

Registration is OPEN for our 2023 L. D. Bell Volleyball Winter Clinic! This is a 7-week volleyball clinic for our current 1st-6th graders, It starts towards the end of January and is held at L. D. Bell High School from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM on one night each week. In an effort to work with whatever other extracurricular activities your daughter is involved in, you can choose for your daughter to attend Session I on Monday nights or Session II on Thursday nights.  The clinic will be coached by myself, several of our L. D. Bell High School and Junior High volleyball coaches, and our former Blue Raider volleyball players.
L. D. Bell Blue Raider Volleyball Winter Clinic 2023
Session I - January 23, 30, February 6, 13, 20, 27, & March 6 (Mondays)
Session II - January 26, February 2, 9, 16, 23, March 2, & 9 (Thursdays)
for current 1st - 6th graders
@ L. D. Bell High School
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
The focus of this clinic is skill development and play opportunity.  We believe strongly that we learn best by doing, so our clinic is designed to introduce volleyball concepts in a blocked/controlled setting and then immediately work on those concepts in competitive play.  We find that strategy MUCH more enjoyable for our athletes and results in the highest rate of volleyball growth.  

No experience needed - we'd love for your child to participate!  The clinic is designed to help each player individually get better, so the courts will be divided based on skill and ability (and not necessarily by age).  We run four volleyball courts each night of clinic, with a rough split of 1st - 4th in one gym on two courts and 5th/6th in the other gym on two courts. After a short evaluation on the first night, we will further place them into groups/courts of similar skill and experience. In this way, we can tailor the instruction on each court to the approximate ability of that group and create a challenging and appropriate experience for each child.  
This is a great opportunity for kids of all ages to play volleyball in the next few months - we are excited about ALL of them coming to our clinic.  For those of you who are parents of a 6th grader who has the opportunity to participate in 7th grade athletics in the next school year - we strongly encourage your daughter to play some volleyball this coming winter/spring/summer to prepare for volleyball tryouts in the fall!  It certainly doesn't have to be at our clinic - we know we have lots of 6th graders in our community playing club volleyball or playing with the YMCA, and those are GREAT options.  This is just another option for your daughter to get touches on the ball with our shared goal to have them more prepared for 7th grade tryouts.
Email Coach Price @ if you have any questions!

Tuesday, 13 December 2022